Archive for July 14th, 2009


I want to get rid of the belongings that I don’t need, but I don’t want to create garbage.
I want the courage to do what I want. I want to be like Cartman. Just not short and fat.
I want to shake free of my past. My past is part of who I am, but it’s inhibiting me from being who I want to be.
I want the nights to be clear all the time, so the stars are always visible. It could be cloudy during the day. Though of course not always.
I want to cry whenever I feel the need to. Even when my milk is not spilt.
I want to change. Not my clothes, but me. Not my core, but my disposition.
I want everyone to be happy with what they have. Because I’m a hypocrite and dislike having ungrateful people around me. It doesn’t mean they can’t be ambitious. Happiness does not equal satisfaction.
I want to be my own person, not my parent’s. So far it’s been difficult. I may have to move far far away, and convince them not to follow me.
I want to do what I want without being judged. But I’ve just realized that’s impossible. I will always be judged, though not necessarily negatively and not always openly.
I want chocolate. I might make some brownies tonight.
I want the energy and motivation to get things done. I only have that for the things I want to do. That means I need to change the way I think, so
I want to change the way I think. I’ve always envisioned being able to accomplish that by hitting my head forcefully enough so that my brain is restructured in a certain way. That goes back to having the courage to do what I want.
I want to live everyday like it’s my last. But I have things planned for the weekend, so it’s better if the weekend is my last.

July 2009

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