Archive for the 'Tunes' Category


Music is very important for my sessions. When I say ‘unworldly’ music, I mean music that makes me feel like I’m not here, that I’m someplace else, possibly in another realm. And that it’s okay even when I’m by myself at that place. It’s the kind of music that makes you not feel lonely even if you’re alone, as long as that music is there enveloping you. This kind of music is capable of making me feel displaced when I listen to it, but in a good way. It instantly makes “life” feel better, like it doesn’t matter much even if something crappy happens to you, because you’re really only a fleeting speckle of dust in this world and you don’t really matter (again in a good way), and hence the things that happen to you matter even less. Music that has the ability to take you somewhere else is good music.


Watching High Fidelity (good breaking-the-fourth-wall flick; most are cheezy with extra cheez) reminds me that I always used to have top 5 or top 10 lists, before I discovered mind-maps.  I actually tried looking for a mind-map blog — basically a blog that allowed you to post in mind-map format.  I was sure someone would have already thought of it and made it into a service, just like there are photo-blogs and doodle-blogs.  Apparently nobody has.  This would be something I’d build if I ever develop the skills to.  Anyway lists are cool, lists are awesome.  I should start making lists again.

Groups I Can’t Get Tired Of

  • Muse
  • Dandy Warhols
  • Klaxons
  • Chemical Brothers
  • Fleet Foxes
  • Not to say I won’t ever get tired of them but these groups have been tried against numerous and regular listenings.

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